Frank wrote:

> AFAIK, (despite Mr. Robb's protestations to the contrary 
> - and I acknowledge his expertise in this field, along with 
> my lack of same <g>), "real" B&W (as opposed to this new-fangled 
> C41 process B&W stuff) can be pushed or pulled, however it
> will affect things like the graininess and contrast of the prints 
> to some extent, depending on the film you use - some films are 
> more tolerant of push/pulling than others.
        I think this hits upon the difficult y in accepting that
        film pushing increses speed. Seems more like the changes
        in contrast, grain and such is percieved as a speed gain,
        where that is not actually the underlying scientific cause.


        Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast

                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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