Wrong again. The equalizer is the quality of 4x6 prints one gets from the lab. You wouldn't tell the difference between leica and a single use camera (except maybe for distortion). Why on earth someone would want to use an expensive lense if they never see the results? Even for 8x10 prints any decent P&S would give sufficient quality (unless you are looking through the loupe). I suspect, general public may start caring about lens quality once they see the image on the screen at pixel-to-pixel resolution.


From: Caveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bad PR

Yes, and the great equalizer is His Majesty The El Cheapo 28-80 Zoom. Greatly helped by AF technology limits combined with poor viewfinders.


Mike Ignatiev wrote:

> Woa! Hold it man!
> It's the other way around: most good P&S would let you shoot pics as good as any SLR.

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