----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pål Jensen"
Subject: Re: Lens compatibility in perspective (WAS: Re: D-ist blurb in

 Most complains for the fun of it, it seems.

No, we complain because we are quality concious camera users who are
seriously pissed off that the camera line that we have invested in can't be
bothered to build a camera that interests us.
The MZ-S is an ugly girl, but at least she can dance.
The asterist is cheap whore with a wooden leg, the digital version, if it
ever sees the light of day retains the wooden leg as a "feature".
I can understand that they have to make a gimpy whore to stay in the game.
It would be nice if they would give people some sign that they haven't
completely lost their minds, just to allow us to keep the faith.

William Robb

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