Cotty wrote:
> >,,30100-1097399,00.html
> >
> >cheers,
> >caveman (stirring the pot ;-)
> Dr. Kelly' lived 5 miles from me in a village called Southmoor. It  is
> huge news here and the world press is ensconced there. I flew in a
> helicopter over the area where his body was found yesterday to get some
> footage for several news organisations.
> His death is a tragedy.
> Cheers,
>   Cotty

It is indeed.
News here indicates he was despondent over the way he was treated by his
questioners on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Labour party MP Andrew
MacKinlay suggested to him that he was really just a fall guy. As he
called it, "chaff" sent up to divert probing by the legislature.

Maybe "despondent" is not quite the right word, but to use his wife's
words, ...he was very, very stressed, angry and unhappy about what
happened in committee.
He (Dr. Kelly) had hopes of the Defense Ministry stepping in (and saving
him?) but it seems it wasn't in the cards.

Sad, but yet another victim of government's crass manners, the obsessive
need to find someone they can blame. The witch hunt is on. They always
find the wrong people...


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