Hi, Matt,

Good post!  But, the drinking age, AFAIK, is now 19 in most of Canada -
except Quebec, which is still 18.

It used to be 18 in most provinces, but they put it up by one year - like
that'll make a difference, eh?

I just didn't want a flood of 18 year old Pentaxians coming up to this
country, looking to drink our beer.  OTOH, if they're still underage, they
can just phlame up a phatty, as pot's now decriminalized.  Not legal, mind
you, but decriminalized.  But, that's another post for another time...


Matt Bevers wrote:

> I have a story about Labatt Blue, it goes as follows:
> A friend of mine had an older brother who took a trip up to Canada when
> he turned 18 (that's the drinking age there, it's 21 in the US) - he of
> course went right to a bar.  He and his friend say: "Can we have two
> Labatts please?"
> The bartender throws down the towel he had been wiping the bar with,
> and walks over to the two of them.
> "You boys are from the United States aren't you?"
> "Yes," they reply
> "You boys are only 18 aren't you?"
> "Yeah," they say in unison.
> The bartender says: "Would I go into a bar in the United States and
> order an Anheuser Busch Budweiser? No, I wouldn't.  If you want a beer,
> you ask for a Blue."
> Thankfully, that's the only experience I have with Blue.

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

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