Oh! I'm supposed to be a very funny fellow. One of my reviewers wrote of one
novel that it was 'laced with dark and sardonic humour'.

By the way I was building that darkroom in the basement of our family home.
I was only 17 and had installed the bench and sink - but had not finished
the plumbing. In case you were going to ask. I had a big bucket of water to
rinse things and make solutions. I washed the films upstairs in the bathtub.
A few days later all was ready and working including the door and thick
black curtain.

Up to that time I'd been giving my film to a neighbour who ran a photo
business from his home. He always processed films in an alcoholic stupor. He
was blind drunk when he washed one of mine in water so hot that the emulsion
came right off. I decided I could do better myself. So I got deeper into
photography and darkroom work and have done it ever since - on and off. But
I'm very careful with labels and always read them before pouring.

Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: July 31, 2003

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: blackout

> << I know you can develop 35 mm film in urine. Of course the results are
>  much use since there is no image.  >>
> There is no equal to this list. Praise the Lord.
> Probably the first time that the good doctor has caused a guffaw in these
> quarters.
> Peter

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