Don wrote:

>I love beer, but simply don't have the patience to wait for Pilz to be
drawn. It takes half an hour to fill a glass with the good stuff. The
best beer
>I've ever tasted is Schlösser Alt. There is also a good bitter to be
had in Wiltshire - Arkell's.

Here in the Cheshire (UK) we have (as many other places do ) a yearly
beer festival in September.
There are usually between 50 and 60 different beers on offer.
One beer that HAS to be there and goes the first night if not rationed
(the event is on over three sessions) is called 'wobbly Bob'.
I used to go to these beer festivals. My wife would drop me off and I
would spend the afternoon sampling many different brews. There is always
a fine Lancashire hotpot with pickled red cabbage by the ton (or
sandwiches for the wimps). When I could sample no more (As Mike Harding
says 'your only drunk when you have to hold on to the floor'), I would
press a preset on my mobile phone and my wife would know that the
'Martian' on the other end was me and it was time for picking up!
Alas over the years the beers have got finer, but I  can no-longer take
the pace and it is such a shame as the chance to taste so many fine
brews is great indeed. BTW you 'buy the beers with tickets that you have
to purchase before and the beer is only served in 1/2 pint glasses.

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