>4, I can also sell everything and go to Canon ? They always have cheaper
camera bodies (like the 300D) and maybe I'll save money in the long run
for more lenses... Previously I hated the fact that their L zooms were
expensive and heavy but now the latest f/4L zooms are reasonable. My
girlfriend will also be able to use the Canon stuff I buy. 

I am a bit conflicted myself. I think the *ist D looks and sounds very good. 
But I will probably end up buying the 300D strictly because of the price. 
Although I am sure the *istD is a better camera. (I recently traded my ZX-5n for a 
Canon Elan 7e. While I don't dislike the Elan, it is a good camera, I tend to 
like the Pentax button/switch layout a bit better I've decided. But I like 
the quick autofocus off the Elan too. Six of one and half a dozen of another, 
most major camera manufactures make decent cameras and they all have their 

But right now I am making no final decisions, because it will be about a year 
before I feel I can afford a DSLR. I mean I still have the credit card to pay 
off on the flat bed scanner and the photo quality printer. ;-)

A lot can happen in a year, plus reviews from everyone will be in by then. 
And prices may drop even more (or some will be selling used on ebay). But 
considering how many pictures I take (not that many right now), I think I can hold 
off on going to digital for a while. Although my mouth is salivating, no doubt 
about it. If I was doing photography professionally, or taking tons and tons 
of pictures, I'd feel I had to make a decision right now, but I don't, so I 

In your case, I think you have some good Pentax glass and the *ist D will 
probably make you quite happy, so why switch? I believe the people on this list 
when they said they were very impressed.

Marnie aka Doe 

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