> But I'm sure you can get Canon lenses that do the
job nicely too. 
> Have you
> considered the synergy effect of having the same
brand as your 
> girlfriend?

She used to use universal screw mount given to her
by her father before being Canonized. She likes the
P Tv Av M dial. Be it a good thing or not, the *ist
series has a Canonized user interface. She cannot
use my Z-1p at all, it is just way too complex for
her. I am a computer guy, to me Z-1p is very
natural. The dials of my Contax are like the screw
mount stuff she is used to, but she wants zoom
lenses. I don't use her Canon because she has no 'L'
lenses or fixed-focal length lenses. As you can see,
it is very hard for us to agree on photographic
equipment...... Thinking of the good side maybe it
is a good thing for us not to share gear.

If I go Canon, it is going to be 50/1.4 or 50/1.8,
17-40/4L, and maybe 135/2L if surprisingly I still
have money left. The 135/2L is more contrasty than
the Pentax A*135/1.8, but the latter probably has
better three-dimenionality.

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