I also enjoyed the original post and find it food for thought (and I am not 
finished thinking about it yet.)Anyway I have kept it in my files.

Meanwhile, other comments -- 
frank mentioned comments-from-mother vs. comments-from-others and I just 
thought I'd share: My own mother used to just say "that's nice" (or not) and 
keep as many of my work prints as she could get her hands on. But more 
recently, she's started telling me WHY she likes a photo, or why she prefers it 
over another. I've found that rather nice, to realize my mother now puts more 
depth into how she comments on my work. Incidentally, every month she looks at 
the PUG and sometimes she remarks on whose images she liked. (No, I don't think 
I'll be able to persuade her to join the PDML and share with all. :-)
Dr Williams -- despite Johnny Cash being in the news due to his recent death, I 
actually thought you might have meant Paul McCartney. He of course is very 
successful financially. By the time I read your follow-up, I had also 
remembered Irving Berlin. 
But I do miss the comments on the list about the PUG. I wonder, each month, 
whether my stuff is really that bad (so that there are no comments, out of 
politeness?) or whether it has just failed to stand out. I'd had comments in 
the past, when I guess certain people had more time to give us these great 
reviews, so at least I've had the experience of getting feedback from my fellow 
Pentax Users. My father and my husband each submitted a photo once and hoped to 
get some comments, and they didn't get any. I think they were disappointed.

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