I like your ideas, Chris!

October will be bad, because I'm going to be moving October 1 or shortly
before.  Unfortunately, I don't know exactly where yet (not that I may end up
on the street, I have a fallback if my preference doesn't work out), but
either way, I'll be in a house with a computer.  I just may not be able to do
anything until November PUG.

But, the informal thing you mention is a good thing.  Since your little thing
fell apart a while ago (I guess that's when you more or less went off list to
complete your studies), no one picked up the ball, but I got the feeling
things more or less fell apart just before you left anyway.  Like several
others, I've critiqued my favourites from time to time, and one or two months
I think I did the whole bunch.  But, I've done nothing for many months now,
largely because my computer moniter is all but history, only working in b&w,
and being ~very~ fuzzy, so it's really hard to properly criticize a photo that
one can hardly see!

I say, let's give your idea a shot.  I'm in!


Chris Brogden wrote:

> There's been at least a couple of people who've mentioned the PUG comments
> since I got back on the list.  I've been thinking about them, too, but it
> seems to me that there were some problems with the old format.  People
> often didn't really have feelings either way about the photos they were
> assigned, or they didn't have time to post critiques in the first few days
> of the month, or they felt that it was too much like homework and didn't
> grant them enough individual freedom.  So, taking those criticisms into
> account, why don't we start up the comments again, but with some changes:
> First, participation is completely voluntary on a month by month basis.
> You don't have to comment every month, though it's probably good to push
> yourself to do so.  I'm not going to be keeping track of names, or
> assigning specific photos to specific people, or anything like that.  This
> means less work on my part and more freedom on everyone else's.  If you
> want to comment, do so.  If not, don't.  Your choice.  There are no
> deadlines, so you don't have to have something written 30 minutes after
> the photos go up.  If it takes you most of the month to talk about all the
> photos you want to mention, no problem.
> Each month you participate, try to comment on at least 5 photos.  If you
> use the following guide, we'll establish some sort of consistency in the
> comments:
> 1. The most interesting lighting, either natural or artificial.  Which
> photo do you think makes the best use of light/shadow?  How so?  What's so
> good about it?
> 2. The most interesting composition.  Pretty self-explanatory.  Pick a
> photo where the composition goes a long way toward making the shot and
> talk about it.  What's so great about the composition?  Why does it work?
> 3. One that doesn't quite work for you.  Pick a photo which could have
> been so much better if... and then explain why and how you think it could
> be improved.  Constructive criticism, please.
> 4. Another 1, 2 or more photos that you like.  Pick a couple more photos
> that you like, and try to figure out why you like them.  Talk about what
> makes them good in your eyes, what appeals to you, why you like them, etc.
> If you don't like some or all of these approaches, great!  Come up with
> some yourself.  The important thing is to try and talk about some photos
> each month, however you want to approach it.
> I see this as being a self-organizing thing, so I'll be just another
> commentator.  If you want to try and commit to talking about some PUG
> photos each month, then reply to this email and let the PDML know.
> There's still no pressure to follow through each month, but at least
> you're saying publically that you want to give it a try, which will
> hopefully be enough motivation to do it.
> You don't have to submit to the PUG to do this, or even consider yourself
> a great photographer or art critic.  You're just giving your opinions...
> no big deal.
> The PUG is a pretty cool gallery, and it's a shame we don't talk more
> about our photographs, given the amount of time we spend discussing
> equipment.  Let's get a bunch of people who actually want to try and talk
> about photographs once a month, and we'll see if it makes a difference.
> Put "PUG" in the subject line if you remember, so people who only care
> about equipment can filter the posts if they want, and so it's easier to
> find in the archives.  Something like "PUG: October 2003 comments" would
> be good.
> Should be interesting to see if this goes anywhere.  I'll do my 5 comments
> when the October gallery is up.
> chris
> On Mon, 22 Sep 2003, frank theriault wrote:
> > I too, miss PUG comments, but I'm in the same boat as you.  My shots
> > rarely get mentioned, except for by those who take the time to comment
> > on ~every~ shot (and then the comments have always been good), and back
> > when Brogden organized the little critique circle a year or more ago -
> > again, never a bad comment that I can remember.

"Hell is others"
-Jean Paul Sartre

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