Hey, I remember that shot, W in U!  She's a real cutie, and that's one terrific
photo of her.

Funny (and I don't mean this as a criticism of your post), but I'm always amused
when I hear, "I rarely use the lens wider than [insert an aperture here]".  Why
buy a fast lens if you aren't going to use it wide open a lot?  I have an M 2.0
50mm.  If I was happy shooting at 5.6, I'd stick with that lens.

That being said, I guess I know what you mean.  You rarely use your M 1.4 wider
than 5.6, but you have the option to do so, if need be.

Still, it always strikes me as odd...

Having gotten that off my chest, I do appreciate your comments, really <vbg>


William Johnson wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> I think it's a very good lens.  I have two of them and as far as I can tell,
> they perform identical to each other.  Both a bit worse wide open than
> either the K50/1.4 or FA50/1.4 that I also own, but I prefer the bokeh of
> the M50/1.4 and I think that it is quite sharp for impromptu portraits from
> about f/2 and below.  I rarely use a 50mm lens stopped down past about f/5.6
> but when I have it seems to perform well at those apertures also.
> I actually prefer the M50/1.4 to the K or FA.  Here is an example of a PUG
> submission with the M50/1.4 stopped down to either f/2 or f/2.5
> http://pug.komkon.org/02sep/sbanana.html
> The price is maybe kind of high, but probably only compared to buying online
> with the associated risks.  You only live once, if you want it, buy it!
> William in Utah.
> PS.  How's that for enablement?   ;-)

"What a senseless waste of human life"
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

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