Ease of focusing for one.  Fast lens = brighter viewfinder.  Not to
mention the coolness factor.  I probably won't shoot my K50/1.2 at 1.2
*that* often, but focusing is super easy and I get to carry around a big
honkin' piece of glass.  Please, no jokes about compensating...  :)


(P.S.  Ok, I lied.  I actually shoot at 1.2 pretty often.  DOF is
small... so small.)

On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, frank theriault wrote:

> Funny (and I don't mean this as a criticism of your post), but I'm
> always amused when I hear, "I rarely use the lens wider than [insert an
> aperture here]".  Why buy a fast lens if you aren't going to use it wide
> open a lot?  I have an M 2.0 50mm.  If I was happy shooting at 5.6, I'd
> stick with that lens.

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