Alin wrote:

Hopefully Pentax doesn't share your opinion.
  The DSLR potential market _is_huge_ - virtually every film SLR owner
  is going to eventually buy a DSLR in the next five years or so.
  Especially when the industry starts to drop film support and DSLRs
  enter the mid level SLR price area.


I'm not convinced. In order for the market to go where you predict in less than five 
years digital need to offer more than simply "not using film" which is basically all 
that there is to digital at present. Mind you, that may be enough for many but not 
convincing enough for a wholesale switch to digital. In addition, digital needs to get 
a lot cheaper (something I'm sure it will). Likewise, camera sales doesn't really 
reflect camera usage or preferences. Customers are buying what they don't own. For 
slr's all own film slr's; hardly anyone (yet) own a DSLR. 


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