>Fortunately I've found a small independent one-hour lab operated by a
who treats my film as if it were his own, and who takes good care of his

equipment, but it's not the dip-and-dunk I could get two years ago.

Another sign is the crash in value of processing gear. I bought a Jobo
CPP with lift, three tanks, 11 35mm reels and 3 4x5 reels on the weekend
at a camera fair for around US$280. Only one other guy had expressed
interest. To buy that stuff here new would cost ten times as much.

It's ironic that a couple of weeks after buying the *ist D I should be
buying a film processor, but I have really enjoyed playing with
monochrome 4x5 and would like to try colour. With the lift I should be
able to do E6 and then I can scan that on the 2450. So long as the E6
kits are still available I will be happily self sufficient. 

I'm also accumulating flash bulbs when I can get them cheaply, for use
with the Speed-Graphic. There is a bit of work to be done there to
understand the effects of using small bulbs with large reflectors.
Unfortunately the proper screw base bulbs are hard to come by here and
are usually too expensive to import once you take postage into account.
There are plenty of M2, M3 and PF5s still around, so I'll have to make

I'm not sure whether a flash meter will measure the light correctly as
the duration of the bulb is a lot longer and thus the cumulative amount
of light in a 1/60 exposure could be greater even though a strobe has a
much greater peak output.

Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

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