
On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 10:06:35 -0400
 graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The density of sensor chips seems to have stablised. 5mp for P&S, 6mp for 2/3 frame DSLR, 11-14mp for full frame DSLR. This is the first time that the top resolution digital cameras have stayed stable for a whole year. We may be at the point where there needs to be a breakthrough in IC tech before substancially higher res sensors come out. Prices should continue to drop however.

I find it interesting that no one else seems to have noted this trend. Of course the reviewers may have higher res cameras in hand under non-disclosure agreements.

Sizes, resolutions, and most of all prices of medium format digi backs seem to have support your claim!

Here, I've noted that <grin>.


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