>> Sometimes the lens defects in the slide projector's lens can make
>> a good slide (taken with a good camera lens) look bad.  So, do
>> you know for sure that the slide image itself is soft at the
>> edges? (Have you checked the slide with a loupe?)

> You may be right, this could be due to projector. I do
> not see this behavoir when viewing on the 17" monitor.

I have been right only on very rare occasions, Ramesh, so don't take
anything I say too seriously - <g>.

I have had only modest experience with slide projectors (and none
recently, and projector lenses may have improved over the past ten
years or so).  However, when I used to use one on occasion (it was
some Kodak model, but I have no idea of the model or of the actual
lens it used), field curvature was an annoying problem.  If I
focused sharply on the center of the image, the edges and corners
were out of focus.  If I focused on the corners, then the center was
out of focus.  I usually ended up with a compromise focus point that
favored the center quite a bit but gave away a little bit of center
sharpness in order to help out a tad in the corners.

Fred, K1FW

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