My wife has an F 50mm macro.  It's the sharpest lens
in the house.  I bought it for myself, but gave it to
her because I don't have an AF body.  Dumb, dumb, dumb....


David Madsen wrote:
I got to shoot one of the FA 50mm macro lenses for a day a few years ago.  I
took some flower photos at my grandfather's garden and made him a 12x18
print of my favorite shot.  The detail was amazing.  I was no where near
full macro, maybe 18 inches, and every little detail in the flower and it's
stalk were clear.  Everyone who sees his copy hanging on his wall wants
their own copy.  It now hangs on several walls.  I take no credit for the
quality of this photo, I am not usually a nature photographer, all credit
goes to this lens (and Fuji Reala film)..... (snip)

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