D. Glenn Arthur wrote:

First, Google for "anomalous reflectance".  I've read about
the effect on film before, and apparently there are certain
fabric/dye combinations that are a real PITA for catalog
photography because of it.  (Or maybe you don't have to, since
you already have a handle on the cause.  But I found it
interesting reading the last time I dove into the subject.)

Anomalous reflectance sounds right, and it's not a problem with the film or
the sensor.  A few years ago, I photographed a model wearing a
yellowish-green dress, which looked greenish-yellow on film.  It might have
been the other way around, but the picture certainly didn't look like the
fabric.  Some shades of purple are difficult for film to reproduce, or at
least to print the way our eyes see the color.  Digital sensors will have
trouble with some parts of the spectrum, too.

Human eyes don't even see everything the same, as you notice when you
disagree with someone over what color something really is.  If your own two
eyes match each other, good enough.

Pat White

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