On Thu, 6 Nov 2003 10:22:01 +0200, Dr E D F Williams wrote:

> More than a year ago (two?) we had a discussion about this very thing -
> colour perception. Do we all see the same colours? Two people look at a
> coloured object; both agree that it's yellow-green. But do they actually
> perceive identically? I think we concluded that it didn't matter whether
> they did or not. There was mention of eyes and brains and all that stuff
> too. But I can't find the posts. They may be on a CD somewhere and I'll take
> a look later.

The textile industry sure thinks people perceive colors slightly
differently.  It's less of an issue now in textiles, since machines can
check color using technology very similar to digital photography, but
it wasn't in the past.  The textile industry had (has?) people
dedicated to checking colors, for example, to make sure that two
batches of dye are "the same color".  The majority of these jobs were
(are?) held by women, since they apparently tend to have more
repeatable judgements of color, and two women are more likely to "see
the same colors" than two men.  At least that's what we were taught
back in the mid 1980s when I took a number of textiles classes in


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