> But what's the point?? I don't really care if it will fire at 1/125 or 
> 1/250 if I know that will be something around. And remenber: yellow 
> light is 1/30.
> Anyway, this is good for me, maybe isn't good for you.

No.  It isn't.  Sometimes the difference between 1/125 and 1/250 is the
difference between a good action shot and a poor one.  But, more to the
point, sometimes I've used an external meter, and know that the right
shutter speed for my selected aperture is 1/125.  It would be nice to
know if the camera agrees, or if I need to dial in some compensation.

> Today I shot a roll of  Sensia 100F on my ME Super and a roll of Fuji 
> color negative film on the MV. I'm sure the print results will be ok.

That's a pretty low standard - I try for a little better than just "OK".

> www.eduardoaigner.com.br
> John Francis wrote:
> >>MV is great for relaxing shots. If one have enough knowledge about 
> >>light/shutter/aperture is easy to determine what speed the camera is 
> >>actually using. f16 rule and so on.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Well, no.  That's the whole point.  It's easy enough to work out what
> >speed the camera *should* be using, but no way to determine what speed
> >it will actually use, because it won't tell you.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >

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