In my wildest fantasies I can't imagine that the Smithsonian would consider a photo that appeared in the PUG to be published. I wouldn't even raise the issue. Send it in.
On Sunday, November 16, 2003, at 06:36 PM, William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Studdert" Subject: Re: Defining "previously Published" for a photo contest

On 16 Nov 2003 at 17:50, Paul Stenquist wrote:

The PUG is an informal sharing of photographs, much like showing it to
our neighbor. There is no compensation, therefore it is not published.

Sorry there are plenty of instances where work is published without the
attaining payment for the work, consider the publication of medical
for instance (ie a study on the reason that belly button lint is very
blue/gray in colour :-)

This may be one of those differences between the way things are done in the
USA and TCW.
Since Ann is in the USA, and the Smithsonian is also an American
institution, if thats the way it's done there, then that's that.
OTOH, if TCW law is different, that would affect her entering the photo in a
British (as an example) publication.

William Robb

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