Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> Bob Walkden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> >
> > Treat them as self-cancelling polarities.

Well, what do you call it if neither cancels the other?  Hmmm.
> Thanks for the URLs -- and yes, whackos like those two can be very
> entertaining, but should not be considered politically relevant.

What "two?" The authors of SpinSanity's articles?
Whackos? "...politically revelant?"
So far, I do see care exhibited by SpinSanity to (in accordance with
their platform promises) be equally complete (n on-partisan) in
revealing untruths, and inequities in statements by public figures.
I still see both authors as potential fire-starters (= inflammatory
rhetoric) of an ultra-liberal bent, but after carefully listening to
(reading) their individual diatribes, I must admit, they gave me food
for thought. . .

All this is quite academic, if you didn't mean those two authors!  <g>

> > Suggestion: the sig. part of an email is like an "e-Speakers' Corner",
> > where anything goes. We ought to resist the temptation to reply.
> Yup, that's the traditional way to see it.
> -tih
> --
> Tom Ivar Helbekkmoe

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