
Tanya Mayer - Photographic Artist wrote:

> Also, my nearest photolab is 3 hours away and currently I send EVERYTHING
> away, which to a very impatient
> woman, is an absolute nightmare.  Digital, in this instance, would be
> absolute bliss.

Why do you not process your own?  At the most, £200 for a Jobo processor
and tanks to process up to five at a time.  £15 to process 10 C-41 36exp
films.  Probably cheaper if you are buying inquantity and tax
deductible.  Or you could go the whole hog and buy one of the Jobo ATL
series autoprocessors.

If you go digital you will, in your situation, be spending more, not
less time in front of a screen and you will need to invest in a high-end
printer (or digital minilab) to create the output.


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