David Madsen wrote:
> I guess I will take a crack at this since I have only been around for a
> couple of months myself.  I live in Boise, Idaho, USA.  That's pronounced
> boy-see.  I am still new to serious photography (7 1/2 years), so I am here
> to learn.  I picked up photography as a more autonomous means of artistic
> expression than music (drumming for 25 years), but I ended up specializing
> in people photography, which killed the autonomy.
> I would have digital if I could afford it.  I may be cheaper in the long
> run, but the up front costs are mighty steep for my budget.  I don't want to
> give up the stuff I have now to pay for digital.  If I did I wouldn't have
> anything to sell when the next digital comes out.  I'm thinking of getting
> something along the lines of a C***n G5 to play around with and wait until I
> can put my nice Pentax glass on a true 35mm CCD.  All mute right now since I
> am broke and have recently had surgery on my right hand and I won't be able
> to hold a camera for a couple more months.

You might take a look at the Optio S or S4. 
Very light weight, and the S4 now has 4 MPixels. . .

keith whaley
> David Madsen
> http://www.davidmadsen.com

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