Somewhere around 3.

Use digital prosumer P&S for 95 % of pics. Use film for wide angle, back up, special set ups, long shots, and to provide family with an odd set of prints now and then.

Impact of going digital so far. Killed move to K mount. Howver, did purchased several additional SMCT lenses, another Spotmatic F, and another ESII to secure the screwmount base. Don't see further investment in for now.

Near term will add following digital equipment: a small (physica size) P&S and a DSLR. P&S as soon as I can locate and checkout. DSLR when have time to to the research to get comfortable with a configuraton of equipment that will meet my needs in the area of flash synch, low light AF, and wide angle.

Otis Wright

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

With fond memories of surveys past <g>:

1) How many have totally given up shooting film and have moved completely to digital (That means no film and film cameras in your equipment cabinet)?

2) How many are in the process of doing so (like Bruce, who is actually
selling equipment) as opposed to "thinking about it," which doesn't
count in this survey.

3) How many have made the switch to digital, but keep a film camera
around for one reason or another, although you do not use, and have not
used, the film camera since acquiring your digital camera?

4) To put the numbers in perspective, how many list members are there.


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