> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tanya Mayer Photography [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> tom, i will shoot around 200-230 and deliver average of
> 200, sometimes
> 150-180 if they're on a budget...  of which, an average of
> 30-40 are then
> chosen for their album, and they get to keep the rest of
> their proofs which
> are 5x7s, UNLESS they have chosen a "digital" package
> whereby they receive
> their proofs on cd only, and just get the prints of their
> chosen shots for
> their album.  sorry if i sound naive, but is that
> bad/weird? i thought that
> was normal.

"Normal" is whatever your clients will pay for, what you're
comfortable with, and lets you make a decent profit.

> in fact, i mentioned yesterday i think, about
> my "hit and miss"
> rate, and like i said, it IS getting better, but
> embarrassingly (and NO-ONE
> laugh!), i still have about 30-40 of what i call "rejects"
> per wedding that
> the couple will never see - eg eyes closed, underexposed,
> faces too shiny
> etc

When I was shooting 35mm I would normally shoot about 450 to 550
frames and deliver about 200 or 250. Then I switched to MF and I would
shoot 350 to 450 and deliver 200 or 250. Now I shoot 900-1200 and
deliver 300 or 400. This is for 8 hours, which is sort of long around
here. Most of the people I know average 6.

Basically, I just overshoot. If something interesting is gong on, I
keep shooting without regard to cost. With film it would be silly to
shoot 8 frames of the bride coming down the aisle...difficult too as
you've already used most of the roll on everyone else coming down.
With digital it's no problem.

I also try new stuff...different angles, lenses etc...without
film/processing costs, you can just keep experimenting. Basically, you
can turn off that voice in your head that says - "thats not worth a

> actually it is funny you should say that about the makeup
> as it is true!

I know it's true, you told us about it. Are you charging for this?


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