----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: Coming to terms with *ist D lens mag factor?

> "So it seems that most users who have adopted the *ist D and previously
had a
> functional SLR kit have ceased using film and have been enticed to buy new
> lenses. Interesting, thanks for the replies."
> That's exactly what I have been thinking... Seems marketing and
> is once again winning out....

Maybe I just got lucky, or maybe I have all the lenses I want.
When I bought my 6x7, I concluded that I would have to purchase a few lenses
for this new format.
Same when I bought my 4x5. I needed a few lenses to support that format as
Why would the 17x25mm format be any different?
Would it have been better if the ist D wasn't compatable with a current lens
series at all?
Would we be that much happier if Pentax had offered up a completely new lens
mount that didn't offer any way to mount current lenses?

Buying into a new format, and thinking that you won't have to buy a lens or
two for that new format seems kinda silly to me.

William Robb

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