----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Studdert"
Subject: Re: Coming to terms with *ist D lens mag factor?

> The quick assessment of angular lens coverage is more important to most
> photographer than absolute focal length. Lets face it 95% of the
population can
> relate to AOV as a function of 35mm lens FL. IMHO It's not dumbing down
> simply current convention. And yes I do think of my medium format lenses
> terms of equivalent 35mm lens coverage, it's call normalization.

I suspect that I am in the minority with Shel on this one. I have always
thought in terms of what a particular lens will do on a certain format,
rather than what a particular lens would do on a different format.

My method is to look at a scene and pick a lens that will suit the scene,
without relating back to a format I may not be using at the moment.
I will look at what I want to photograph and say to myself, I want the 210mm
lens (if I am shooting 4x5 that day).
What I will not say to myself is "that would look great with a 50mm lens,
but I am shooting 6x7, so I guess I had better grab the 105 instead".
IMHO, this is what the equivalency factor is doing, and I do believe that
thinking this way inhibits using a format to it's best advantage.

A 50mm lens 0n 35mm may be equivalent to a 105mm lens on 6x7, or a 150mm
lens on 4x5 in terms of absolute angle of view, but that is the only valid
Every other imaging factor will differ.

William Robb

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