On 14/12/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] disgorged:

>> With istD making all our old primes x 1.5,
>> is there any change to the aperature eg:
>> a 135mm f1.8 becomes effectively a ~=200mm
>> but is there any change in the effective aperature?
>Your 135mm f/1.8 is still a 135mm f/1.8. That hasn't changed. What has
>changed is how much of the image circle the digital sensor is seeing.
>The 135 is a mid length telephoto on the ist D.
>You should start trying to think in terms of the new format on it's own.
>I find it is less confusing, anyway.

What William is saying is absolutely right. I know it's difficult, but
try and think of it in terms of a 135mm lens - it's just that on an *ist
D it is a full telephoto (or mid length as WR says) lens. I have sorta
got my head around this now, hence my favourite lenses are as follows:

14mm gives me a medium wide angle
24mm gives me my favourite street lens
28-70mm gives me a normal to short telephoto.
50mm gives me a good portrait lens.

The 135mm f/1.8 lens to which you refer is still a 135mm lens - the
approximate focal length as used on an *ist D is the equivalent of about
200mm at f/1.8. The maximum aperture of the lens does not alter. That's a
fast lens at that aperture, no mistake!



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