Mark Roberts wrote:

> Ann Sanfedele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Mark E posted this and other stuff about printers -- all very interesting
> >but....
> >
> >> Epson 2200 $650
> >>  ---------------
> >> (snip)
> >
> >> Suffers from metamerism
> >> (colors look different under different light sources),
> >
> >> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >
> >Huh?  Um - don't all things look different under different light sources?
> >What am I missing?

Mark Roberts replied

> Yes, all things do look different under different light sources but
> metamerism refers to prints in which the various inks don't change
> *equally* under different light sources. The result is that a print that
> looks fine in daylight may look completely wonky under incandescent
> light (rather than just more orange overall, which your eyes would
> adjust to).

Wow - thanks Mark - that never occured to me...
I don't see anything very wonky witht he stuff from my 820 I will say.


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