> umm so the pigments have different reflective qualities that react to light
> differently?

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: most light sources emit light across a broad range of
wavelengths.  The reflectivity of a pigment varies with wavelength,
so the amount of light reflected at any particular wavelength is the
product of the amount of light the light source emits at that waveength
and the reflectivity of the pigment.

The final stage is the reduction, by the light sensor (in your eye, or
on film, or on the CCD array of a *ist-D) to a single numeric value.
Sensors, too, are sensitive to a range of wavelengths, and effectively
sum (technically: convolve) all the effects of the illumination over
the range of wavelengths they respond to.  But the output from any one
sensor is a single number; this may be from fairly dim illumination over
a broad range of frequencies, a moderately bright light source at a
single wavelength close to the peak response of the sensor, or from
a very bright light source at a wavelength to which the sensor is not
particularly sensitive.  They all end up with the same single numeric
value, so there's no way for the sensor to distinguish between them.

A different sensor, with a slightly different response curve. may
well come up with different values for all three of those cases.
If one sensor is the human eye, and the other is your photographic
capture medium, it's possible for colours which appear identical
to one sensor to show up very differently on the other sensor.
[I've only talked about one sensor; the argument extends to the
three different colour sensors in the human eye, film, or CCD]

Even more complicated answer: not all colour comes from surface
reflectivity. Inkjet dyes (as opposed to pigments) work mainly as
a transmissive medium; the light gets it's colour from passing
through the dye, being reflected by the glossy white paper, and
passing back through the dye, which absorbs some part of the light.
The same sort of effects apply here as apply to reflected light.

In the real world, even most reflected light has a transmissive
component; the light penetrates some way into the pigment layer
before being reflected, and pigments are usually distributed in
a dispersal medium of some kind, which also affects the light.
The transmissive attenuation usually yields a different colour
from the absorption due to the pigment.  This is one reason for
colour shifts as the viewing angle goes from normal incidence
to grazing incidence; you're seeing more of the transmissive
effects, and less of the colour of the pigment.

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