----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ryan Lee"
Subject: Re: Just curious ...

>  Just out of curiosity, in anyone's own
> experience, how big can one make a sharp print from a 35mm negative (and
> which enlarger/ lens combo)?
One time when I was a lad, and didn't know better, I taped 4 20 x 24 sheets
of paper to a peice of plywood to make 40 X 48 inch print.
The film was Panatomic-X, The taking lens was a Nikkor 50mm f/1.4, the
enlarger was some sort of Omega 6x6 with condensors, and the lens was an EL
Nikkor 50mm f/2.
I recall that I leaned the plywood against the wall, about 10 feet or so
from the enlarger, then adjusted the angles by measuring from the corners of
the board to the lens to make sure everything was square.
I don't recall the exposure time, but is was very long, I think close to an
Anyway, the resulting print was actually pretty good.

William Robb

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