This one time, at band camp, "Tanya Mayer Photography" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For anyone who takes the time to look through them, thankyou so much!  I
> have these questions to ask, if you were offered these to "show off" a
> product of your own, would you be happy with them, or am  I just kidding
> myself, are they seriously crap?  Or if you were a potential customer, would
> you purchase these garments judged on what you see in these pics?  Have I
> made the garments look good?  Or crap?  There are the odd threads etc
> showing that will be removed in PS later on...

If this is a first attempt, then you have indeed done well.
I dont do any commercial product photography and know little of it outside 
of the studio with the light table.
To my way of thinking the goal of the shoot is to produce business images 
that strengthen the advertising campaign messages.
Photography can add a great deal of impact to a brochure, magazine ad, or
internet site. If the photo's have impact, and show the product clear
whilst maintaining the goals of the advertising campaingn, it is a success.

I browse through all of these images and they look just fine. There are
some things I would have done differently, but at the end of the day, the
customer is at the mercy of the photographers artistic interpretation.

Again, congratulations on your success. Your customer should be well 
pleased with the results.
> Now, I'd better go and cook some dinner! lol..
Is that an invite? ;)

Kind regards

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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