Leon asked:"Does the Oly have depth of field preview?"

No, but I generally have a "gut" instinct of what will and will not be in
focus.  My MZ-6 has it and I have never used it!  I think that this, like
most of my photography related "knowledge" is one of my "instinctual"
things, that for some reason, I just seem to "know"...  Pity I couldn't say
the same about exposure and metering though... ;-)

"Does the gold reflector change the colour?  I have a small silver/white
reflector that I have used on the figurines and other "products" I have
photographed and was thinking of a larger one for natural light portrait
photography, but have yet to decide if the gold would be more use than a
silver/white one."

I have a 5-in-1 disc reflector (has gold, silver, white, translucent and a
black panel that absorbs light), which I love.  I also have a couple of car
window shades that do just as good a job when needed.  I love the gold
reflector, but that is cause I primarily shoot people and it adds that tiny
touch of warmth to their skin that I am always seem to be chasing.  Not sure
how it would affect your type of shooting, but it is very subtle and not
obvious at all.  I never use silver for shooting people, unless I am going
for a high-end fashion look, as it gives obvious shine, and high contrast to
them, and has an almost "harsh" look at times.

"Sounds like you are getting jobs from all over.  What do you charge for
travelling to Brisbane?"

Uh-oh, its my rates again... I love to travel to Brisbane, the break away is
so much fun.  I generally just charge about an extra $400 on top of my
standard price.  The airfare is around the $250 mark, and then the rest
covers food/taxis etc.  I have many friends in SE QLD and can basically pick
and choose so don't need to pay for accom.  I just make my money on my
normal "day rate" that I add to my wedding packages, as really I'm not
putting in any extra work than I would be shooting up here...   Soon, when I
get some courage, I will start to drive in Brisbane, so then there will be
car hire to add to that, I guess...

Thanks again Leon,

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