On Fri, 2 Jan 2004 18:14:25 +1000, Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:

>Hi guys and gals,
>Warning - loooooong, "fairygirl" post to follow... (grab yourself a cuppa
>before reading...)

We are all getting used to this, and you write well so don't worry
about it.

>workwear for "on the land".  I have been shooting in manual focus as a large
>amount of the shots have been macro shots and closeups of buttons,
>stitching, labels etc.  This explains why my eyes are so exhausted.  These 3

Is there a reason for using manual focus?  I'm not familiar with the
Olympus but I would have used the autofocus on the *istD, it would have
managed very well with the texture of the fabric to focus on.  I used a
borrowed Nikon 5Mp camera once that had either the LCD on the back of
the camera or the LCD in the viewfinder for focusing - I hated it, auto
focus or manual focus I couldn't get it right.

>Due to the "Olly", I have really "discovered" the joys of studio
>photography.  Something that I have previously been a bit "scared" to play
>with too much due to the extra expense etc.  But, now I am able to

Digital is a great learning tool, now all I need is some more time and
a couple of soft boxes.

>For anyone who takes the time to look through them, thankyou so much!  I
>have these questions to ask, if you were offered these to "show off" a
>product of your own, would you be happy with them, or am  I just kidding
>myself, are they seriously crap?  Or if you were a potential customer, would
>you purchase these garments judged on what you see in these pics?  Have I
>made the garments look good?  Or crap?  There are the odd threads etc
>showing that will be removed in PS later on...

I can be a harsh critic, and having said that some of your photography
is better than I ever hope to achieve, but you asked....

The shots are very good, but I think it is the ones with people in them
that will sell the clothes.  I've seen your people shots and you will
do a great job on it.  

You'll do a great job for this wedding in Brisbane too.  Can you supply
some details of where you will be shooting?  I grew up in Brisbane and
shot some weddings about 16-17 years ago up there.

Back to the subject at hand.  You have a good feel for the overall
project and I think the still life shots and the action shots you still
have to do will work in well together from what you have described.  If
there are a few lose threads or bits of grass out of place on the
images it's difficult to see on the small files, but it's probably best
to correct that before shooting - it's difficult to exactly match
fabric textures by cloning on a curved piece of fabric.

I wonder about some of the shots you deleted.  I can see some obvious
landscape crops in some of you portrait shots (and a little the other
way).  Some of the shots are a bit unbalanced, but I can see a 6x4.5
crop in them that would make them right.  This may have been your idea
from the start, I just notice it because in all cases I would crop
fully from one side of your images - I tend to allow extra on both
sides of the image and crop the middle, so I notice it more in your

Deleting in camera can make you delete some usable or even great shots
because you just didn't feel they were right at the time.  It's very
hard at times to be photographer AND editor.  This is digital, get
enough capacity to keep ALL of your shots and put your editor's hat on

Once you get the *istD or if the Oly allows it consider shooting in RAW
format.  It gives you a lot more latitude in the image and cuts down
the need to bracket (some of the shots of the dark fabrics were a
little too dark and with only a 24 bit image to work with could be
difficult to lighten enough and keep the tonal range smooth).

>Now, I'd better go and cook some dinner! lol..

What did you have?  We had a potato bake.



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