Hi again,

Thanks for the welcome. Frank, that was helpful, thanks. The needle doesn't move! Is that the light meter? Where can I get a battery? Can I go to a drugstore or camera store?

I love this camera! I took a roll of film when I first got it (about a month ago), but haven't developed it yet. I will in the next couple of days - it will be interesting to see how I did. Interesting or embarrassing! I have some pictures of my ex-boyfriend on there so hopefully those are the ones that DON'T turn out!

One thing I would like to get is a flash-thingy. Are they hard to find? Expensive? (and yes, I said flash-THINGY - I have a fine command of the English language, thank you very much!)

I just realized I've had the skylight filter on for all my photos. Is that ok? What does the filter do? It's not colored, so does it just "soften" the photos? Hey! Will it make me look younger? :)


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