Pieter Nagel wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 03, 2004 at 11:43:28AM -0800, Jasmine wrote:
> >
> > One thing I would like to get is a flash-thingy.  Are they hard to
> > find?  Expensive?  (and yes, I said flash-THINGY - I have a fine command
> > of the English language, thank you very much!)
> You already received a lot of good advice.
> I would only add that you hold back on buying a flash-thingy until you've
> got a good grip on taking photographs using only the light that you have
> available in the scenery.
> I have an ulterior motive, of course: once you understand natural light, I
> hope that you would also respect and appreciate it more, making you less
> likely to want to go and fry the Holy Baloney out of it with a Big Honking
> Raygun.
A belated welcome and a very strong agreement with
Pieter's comment.

There are no silly questions,btw, :) 

Glad to have another gal aboard too!


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