" once you understand natural light, I
> hope that you would also respect and appreciate it more, making you
> likely to want to go and fry the Holy Baloney out of it with a Big
> Raygun."

A true wordsmith.  I finally broke down and bought a used 360, but I
will avoid flash whenever I can.  Probably because I've never really
taken the time to learn how to use it correctly.  I'm actually hoping to
use the instant feedback feature of the *ist D to work on this someday. 
I think I'll wait until I can feed the images directly to the computer
(I seem to remember that we can't do that yet w/o first storing the
image to the card)  This way I can put it off even longer . . .

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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