
I will say that you are perhaps right in that Mac users "adore" their
machines.  Most PC users just think of computers as machines -
something to get their work done.  Doesn't it seem odd to you that
only 5-10% of the Micro marketplace can only see Macs as the only
machine for them?  Every encounter that I have had with Macs in my 25
years of software engineering has not proven their superiority - quite
often sadly lacking in software support from the industry as a whole - more
or less a niche oriented machine.  But just like a limited lens, you will
pay more for the same basic functionality.

I will place Macs in the same realm in their arena as Pentax is in the
camera arena.  Canon and Nikon have pretty much blown Pentax out in
the 35mm marketplace - they are trying and producing good products,
but struggle nonetheless.  Though once strong, through a series of bad
choices and decisions, they are no longer the powerhouse they once
were.  Boy this sounds just like Apple - I remember their glory days
before the IBM PC came out.  Through a series of bad decisions and
choices (litigation against cloners, etc) they are no longer the
powerhouse they once were.

Best regards,

Sunday, January 4, 2004, 9:46:32 PM, you wrote:

Pac> Amita wrote
Pac> I doubt it. There's really nothing a Mac can do that a Windows machine
>> can't do just as well. Maybe years ago that was true, but not anymore.
>> Amita

Pac> Well Amita for the most part you are right. What is really important is not
Pac> what the computers can do but how they do it. It is the Mac interface that
Pac> makes most of us Mac lovers so strong in our beliefs. Photoshop acts pretty much
Pac> the same in windows and on a mac. But go to save a file on windows, put it in
Pac> the wrong place or whatever and it seems to disappear. It's hard and probably
Pac> fruitless to try to convince window users of the benefits to using a Mac. But
Pac> don't all you Window users wonder why 99 per cent of those who use a Mac
Pac> absolutely adore them? Doesn't that say something? It's like owning a Pentax 
Pac> lens. A regular Pentax lens takes the same picture, but the love affair
Pac> between the photographer and the lens is not the same. The limited lens is so
Pac> lovely that it inspires the photographer to use it, to experiment with it, to 
Pac> the last little bit of exquisite beauty out of it.
Pac> Without sounding too corny, that's the feeling Mac owners have. And for a few
Pac> dollars more you too could enjoy it....
Pac> Vic 

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