I fear a long thread is about to begin but I have to say it again for Tanya's 
sake. I use both systems. I use Macs, my daughter uses a PC IBM clone. The PC 
works. There are some advantages to owning a PC over a Mac but for people who 
are not computer literate, who want a machine that works intuitively... the 
Mac is the superior machine. It always has been and continues to be. That's not 
to say that the PC can't get the job done, but I will guarantee you that you 
will have more problems understanding the PC - it's filing system etc etc. I 
know the PC lovers will attack me on this but most of them have not used both 
systems. I have and take it from me that the Mac is simply much easier to use. 
And if you are going to buy a used one, the cost factor is not that great. 
Tanya, ask yourself if it's better to have a computer that you feel comfortable 
with and truly love, or one that can get the job done and save yourself a few 
PS - at my daily newspaper, all the photogs have Mac laptops...
Let the flames begin...

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