Ok, ok, at the risk of this thread becoming a world record holder in length,
I feel that I do need to respond as I have had many of you taking the time
to give me advice both on list and off.  And so, here goes...

In regards to the laptop - I actually had them mixed up and the one with the
burner wasn't the one that I preferred, it was actually this one here, which
I am winning at this point:


Bigger HDD, bigger monitor, faster processor.  Yes, the RAM does suck, but I
am only running 256mb on my home PC and that is with Photoshop, Image Ready,
Go Live etc, and I've never really had an issue with it (am planning to
upgrade it to 1gb fairly soon though just for the sake of it really).

And I am looking at buying this (or something similar) to run with it:


or this one:


Honestly, I really think it will be ample for what my needs will demand of
it... for now.

Remember, this is a *temporary measure*.  For some time in our house, we
have had ongoing arguments over the home PC due to the kids and their
computer games etc.  So, I am planning on buying one of this level now and
passing it onto the kids in a month or two for them to have.

Why the rush to get one NOW rather than wait until I can afford the "real"
thing?  Well, I am now digitally enabled.  I have 6 weddings in the next 6
weeks where I will be able to shoot digitally, but it is ridiculous to even
attempt it without a laptop, as I will be 1500kms away from my home PC for
them.  I can't afford anything "decent" right now - I have a young family,
who just had a very expensive Christmas, we have ongoing house renovations,
and I have just spent over $4k in the past month on equipment as well.

On a personal level, we have our own bills to pay, and my husband was
injured when a diesel tank exploded in his face 8 weeks ago and has been
unable to work, and so I have been basically supporting the family with my
income during this time.  He has now gone back to work this week, BUT there
have been bills that have been neglected over the past 8 weeks that will
need attending to asap.  Ok, so basically, as much as I would love to, I
can't devote ALL of my profits straight back into equipment - I need to feed
my kids first, and I would feel much too guilty and selfish buying "toys"
for myself when I know that as a family we have other priorities.  Although,
I have been really busy with photography work over the past 2 months, all of
my "profits" have really been spent on pulling my family through a rather
difficult time financially.

Anyways, enough of the sob story...  The moral of the story is, that I will
be leasing a "decent" laptop as soon as I can, BUT I will still need $1000
or thereabouts as a required deposit as my business has only been trading
for under a year and there are very little financial records that I can
provide when applying for such agreements.

Anyways, sorry for the prattling on, but basically, I am buying a little
laptop to get me through the next few weeks or maybe month or two, so that I
am able to shoot these upcoming bookings digitally, and thus make a larger
profit from them (ie no film/processing costs...), I will then ditch it in
favour of something that will keep me going on a longer term basis.

I *could* of course just wack all of my resources into a laptop right now,
but I really want to get my *istD as well, and am still trying to aim for a
certain trip to the US come June, and so I feel that this is a pretty good
compromise and will settle many a dispute in our house when the kids finally
get to have it!

Stan, you observed this: "As John Francis commented, you have a situation
where you should not be fretting over a few dollars..."

And I aim that eventually, I won't have to.  BUT, the fact is, that I am a
mum first, a wife second and a photographer third.  My priorities are such
that, for the time being, every little cent certainly does count.

Stan also said: "I figure your gross income each year should be about $200k
ASD, a net of $100k before taxes."

ROFLMSAO (Rolling on the floor laughing my skinny arse off...!),
hahahahahaha, heeheeheeheehee, hohohohohoho!!!!!!! phew, ok, taking  a
breath now...

In reply to that comment - are you kidding me?  If I was making that sort of
money, my hubby could quit his job and be a full-time house husband and I
would travel the world "flogging my wares".  Remember, guys, I live in a
small, drought stricken country town.  I am only just now branching out to
the metropolitan areas where people have a much more disposable income.  My
aim is that in 5 years time I am earning that amount, but seriously, there
is only one of me, and only so many hours in a day.  I have three babies
that need me in that day as well.  Last year, by a rough estimate (I wasn't
running as a business then, it was all cash basis), I probably cleared
around $5k after expenses.  This year, I am aiming that I will make a gross
income of around $50k, which tranlsates to around $20k clear cut profit or
salary.  This may increase dramatically if my calendar goes really well
though as our first run will be for 10,000 and if they all sell, I should
clear around another $30k profit from that project alone.

Seriously, Stan - $200k?!?!  My husband works a 70-80 hour week, and has two
trades behind him and he still only grosses $80k per year BEFORE tax...

Stan, and many others have also said: "To repeat the familiar mantra from
the List, Raise your prices! Raise your prices! Stop demeaning yourself by
giving it away. Be proud of your work and make others proud to have used
your service; raise your prices!"

I am working on it guys, truly I am, and Chris's wonderful response to my
"Re: Today, I feel as though I have achieved something...." thread has
really "drilled" alot of it into me.  I will respond to that one asap

So, I am trying to get there guys, really, and your words of encouragement
have been helping so much.  Now, back to that laptop...

Thanks heaps for your concern, I truly appreciate it, and when it comes time
for me to buy my "real" laptop, I am sure that many of you will let out huge
sighs of relief! lol.


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