I might have told this story before - pray forgive me if I have!
Went to a wedding once (fortunately as a guest) which was held on a very hot
day, 38°, in the open air.  By the time it had finished and we got back to
the reception my wife and I were hot and sticky, so we had the meal and then
went home to change.
Coming back to the reception, my wife commented -"There don't seem to be
many cars here now".
We walked in to find the bride's mother sitting on a chair in floods of
tears, the staff busily packing up the last of the tables and chairs, and
only about three other people left.  Turns out that during the early part of
the reception, the groom got smashed and whacked the bride's father in the
face, putting him on the floor.  The bride promptly (of course) smacked the
groom soundly, ran out the door and flung herself sobbing into the bushes.
Meanwhile, the bride's uncles converged on the groom, who decided that
discretion was the better part of valour and fled to his car, speeding off
into the distance not to be seen for 48 hours.  It seems that most people
decided that the reception was probably over, and went home!  All this took
place in the thirty minutes it took us to go and change.

John Coyle
(and, yes, the B&G did get back together and lived happily ever... well, for
a couple of years anyway!)
Brisbane, Australia
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: Cheap bastards? -was: Down off my "high-horse"... with a thump.
> Get yer money up front. I've had marriages end before the album is
> delivered.
> Hell, I had a marriage end just before the bride walks into the church.
> And that was one incredibly funny (to me, but I am a twited pig) day.
> William Robb

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