----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bruce Dayton"
Subject: Re[2]: Cheap bastards? -was: Down off my "high-horse"... with a

> One real issue/problem is that the general percieved value of a
> photograph has steadily declined as the ability to make/create one has
> increased.  Many years ago, the automation available for someone who
> hasn't gained the knowledge of photography was pretty poor.  But with
> good P&S cameras and mini labs, the ability for anyone to create a
> passable snapshot has made them feel that the value of the item
> (photo) isn't very high.  After all, all I did was press a button.  I
> really didn't have to know anything or learn anything.

This is precisely why photography in general, and wedding photography in
particular, has become somewhat undervalued to many people (like the ones
who are shopping for a photographer).

I really noticed a rapid change in customer attitude when the auto
everything SLR cameras came onto the market.
Auto focus SLR's changed everything, because you didn't need to know
anything about photography to be a photographer.
On the heels of the AF revolution came the "PJ" style of wedding
photography, which to me requires as much skill as squishing a wounded bug.

Suddenly, to be a professional photographer, you didn't need to know what
you were doing.

All you needed was a thousand dollars for a camera, lens and flash, and the
store would happily take Visa or Mastercard.
A lot of people became instant professionals, and cashed in big in the
wedding market.

I got out of the wedding game quite soon after that, I didn't need the grief
of being undercut by some weekend warrier who was doing weddings to fill in
a few hours on a Saturday afternoon to pay for his beer while he watched
Sunday afternoon football.

Occassionally, someone talks me into shooting another one. Less often now,
as I have said no often enough that I don't get bothered much anymore.
This suits me fine.

I shot a wedding for a friend a few years ago.
The church was some United church.
Basically, a social club with delusions of religionhood.
Friggin twits wouldn't let me shoot at all during the service, and actually
put a staffer on me to make sure I didn't break their rules.

Why is it the Catholics, who have been around for a couple of thousand
years, will allow me to shoot from the alter, as long as I don't make a
spectacle, but some wannabe cult that was born last week makes my life

Go figure. I don't get it.

William Robb

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