
JF> You missed the most important part:  "... complete with LCD".

JF> I know I can trigger the shutter release - I don't even need a Palm
JF> Pilot (or other PDA) for that.  I want to be able to look at the
JF> resulting image, histogram display, etc.   I don't think we'll see
JF> that on the *ist-D, but I'd like to see it on a future camera model.

Indeed I did miss that. That is I rather misunderstood you. You see,
the highest modern PDA can go is either 320x240 (soon to be 640x480 or
thereabouts) or 480x320... I don't know about you, but none of the
above looks any reasonable to me for the purpose in discussion. So it
kind of never occurred to me that you meant *that* <g>.

I think that if I were rich enough to buy *istD or similar, I'd also
buy big enough a card and shoot like crazy. Then I would review my
stuff on the screen of my PC. At least, it is 17" and can do 1600x1200
if I ask nicely <g>. It is 1152x864 by default...

But the most expensive MF digi backs use iPAQs as viewfinders and
such. So, I estimate in no more than two years, enablement of this
kind would be possible...


P.S. I just occurred to me that it would be "Enablement of the third
kind" - neither camera body, nor lens - a weird accessory <g>...

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