I was recommending the FA* 24mm because it is one stop faster and it's a
FA* lens. Maybe the 20mm is a better choice because 28mm lenses are pretty
easy to come by used for a song.
At 08:10 PM 3/26/01 -0600, you wrote:
>>1) FA 24/2.0 or FA 20/2.8 or FA 20-35/4 - Autofocus not mandatory but
>Those ore really 3 different lenses, the 24mm and 20mm are more different
>than what you might think. And the third is a zoom. I would lean towards
>the 24mm, unless you have a 28mm then maybe the 20mm because it's more
>different. Or the zoom is you don't think you'll need the speed of the
>24mm or 20mm.
>Why recommend the 24 over the 20? My leaning has been to make the 20 my
first choice. Is there something I'm not thinking about here?
>Attachment Converted: "e:\eudora\attach\RE Self enabled a F 100 22.8 M"
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