Both companies are famous for NYC curtness. Don't take it as a put down, it is just their way. New Yorkers are strange people, they will call you all kinds of nasty names while giving you their right arm. The curtness probably comes from have 11 million neighbors all wanting attention at the same time.


Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:
Last night I sent this email to both B and H and Adorama:

"My name is Tanya Mayer and I am a professional photographer located in
Australia (

I am writing as I am wishing to purchase a Pentax *istD with DA 16-45mm

This morning, I was made aware of the following, just released from the
Pentax USA website:

In a nutshell, it says:

"PENTAX U.S.A., Inc. has reduced the retail price of the*ist D
Digital SLR by $300.  The legendary camera manufacturer also is offering
consumers an additional $200 cash back when combined with the purchase
of the PENTAX 16-45mm DA digital lens.  These special savings are in
effect February 1, 2004 through June 30, 2004."

I am writing to ask when I may expect to see these prices reflected in
those listed on your website, and also, if I were to purchase from here
in Australia, would I be eligible for the US$200 cash back?

I really want to purchase this prior to the end of this month, so any
information that you could offer would be most appreciated."

This is what I got back from each of them...

Adorama - "Sorry not yet maybe in a couple of weeks"

B and H -

"Hello, IST D DIGITAL CAMERA                             $1699.95
The lens is not available yet."

Hmmm, great customer relations eh?

So, it looks like I am going to have to "hold out" for a while longer...  I
was thinking that some of you may be saying to yourselves "girl, just go and
buy the bloody thing, it's only $300" etc, BUT the US$300 and the US$200
rebate translate to $657 at today's exchange rate, and this could very well
be the difference between me being able to afford to come to GFM or not!

Have to say though, I am totally unimpressed by the shortness of both of
their replies, I mean they didn't even say "thanks for your enquiry" or

I am going to ring Pentax Australia (CR Kennedy) right now to see what they
have to say...

tan. *who WANTS her *istD! but refuses to pay more than she has to for it!*

-- graywolf

"You might as well accept people as they are,
you are not going to be able to change them anyway."

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