I love the camera, but what puts me off is the lack of
3rd party support. it bothers me that here isn't more
support for the pentax raw format...I want to be able
to use tools like capture one, but they have no clear
time table for pentax support. It also seems that some
very desirable 3rd party glass is not available for
the pentax(yet, maybe never)
in a straight comparison between the 10D and the ist,
I actually preferred the ist and returned the 10D to
B&H within their 7 day return period. However, after
having the ist for a month and having endured the
disappointment of finding that software and /or lenses
I want are not available for the pentax, I have swung
back to the canon. Plus there is the added incentive
of a clear upgrade path to the 1Ds/1D MKII down the
Having no current investment in pentax glass, it seems
the choice is clear...of course YMMV

--- Cesar Matamoros II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Careful what you say about NYers.
> I recall something like this coming up once quite a
> few years ago here.  It
> ended up with Mafud taking offense to something I
> wrote.  Still not sure
> what it was that set him off so.
> NYC - born and raised,
> Cesar
> Panama City, Florida
> -- -----Original Message-----
> -- From: graywolf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 10:20 PM
> --
> -- Both companies are famous for NYC curtness. Don't
> take it as
> -- a put down, it is
> -- just their way. New Yorkers are strange people,
> they will
> -- call you all kinds of
> -- nasty names while giving you their right arm. The
> curtness
> -- probably comes from
> -- have 11 million neighbors all wanting attention
> at the same time.
> --
> -- --
> --
> -- Tanya Mayer Photography wrote:
> -- > Last night I sent this email to both B and H
> and Adorama:
> -- >
> <snip>
> -- > Have to say though, I am totally unimpressed by
> the
> -- shortness of both of
> -- > their replies, I mean they didn't even say
> "thanks for
> -- your enquiry" or
> -- > whatever...
> -- >
> -- > I am going to ring Pentax Australia (CR
> Kennedy) right now
> -- to see what they
> -- > have to say...
> -- >
> -- > tan. *who WANTS her *istD! but refuses to pay
> more than
> -- she has to for it!*
> -- >
> --
> -- --
> -- graywolf
> -- http://graywolfphoto.com
> --
> -- "You might as well accept people as they are,
> -- you are not going to be able to change them
> anyway."
> --
> --

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