> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "John Francis"
> Subject: Re: Do Smarter Cameras make Dumber Photogs?
> >
> > Sigh.  Yet another rehashing of the tired old argument
> based on
> > the questionable premise that the mere presence of
> automation
> > somehow eliminates the photographer's ability to think.
> >
> > I prefer to believe that a good photographer knows when
> to turn
> > off the automation, and when it's OK let the camera take
> care of
> > one (or more) of the settings.
> Believe what you like, but the majority of the
> "photographers" that I know wouldn't know how to set an
> exposure without some sort of automation is their life
> depended on it.

I can believe that, quite easily.

The only question is whether there is, among that number,
a photographer who would bother to go through the effort
of learning how to do things "the hard way", and who would
then be able to produce better photographs.

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