>It's hardly a reasonable expectation to compare "all your new wonder pics" to a

set of hand picked images out of a lifetimes body of work. :-)

Bob, I know exactly what you are saying here. The other day I showed my portfolio to someone in the hope of obtaining some work. She was amazed and gave me the job on the spot (didn't even discuss rates). She is a friend of my wife and later when the two of them were having coffee she asked my wife how long it took to put my portfolio together. Twenty years and my wife explained to her not to expect more than a couple of similar quality shots a day (a lot of them were moody early morning light type images)


Bob W wrote:


"Now comes the hard part. Place all your new wonder pics on a table, and open
up books showing the works of Mr. Smith, or Capa, or Cartier-Bresson, Stieglitz, or Margaret Bourke-White. Now then, Do your pics compare well with theirs???... as though I didn't know. Possible of course, but not very damn well likely."

It's hardly a reasonable expectation to compare "all your new wonder pics" to a set of hand picked images out of a lifetimes body of work. :-)

I've tried that with my Leica M3, which is precisely the type of manual camera that the aforementioned photographers used. I placed a whole bunch of my wunderbare Leicasnappchen on a table, and I opened up some books by Smith, Capa, HCB &c. Guess what? None of my pics compared well with theirs!

I might as well sell it and buy a Nikoltanon-D AF IS with
Auto-Esthetix Bluetooth with Rednose attachment for seasonal family

Yours in disappointment,


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